Letters to the Editor: Thursday, May 8, 2014

Celebrating our moms

On Sunday we will be     celebrating our moms

Sunday is the day we will celebrate moms. Not all moms, just our own.

The holiday was officially created in 1914 and its creator, Anna Jarvis of West Virginia had lobbied for the holiday, specifically campaigning for the singular possessive phrasing because she thought it should be a day for families to honor their own mothers, grandmothers and maternal figures in their lives.

It was Jarvis who celebrated the day in honor of her mother in 1908, beginning to campaign to make it a national holiday, according to sources.

There had been other attempts and celebrations that could be thought of as attempts to begin day of celebrating mothers. In the 1870s there was a movement to establish a “Mother’s Day for Peace” and what has been called a festival for Mothering Sunday.

Research shows that Mothering Sunday was a religious holiday, popular in Europe and that celebrations of mothers were found as far back as Ancient Greece.

And there were countless other celebrations that honored or recognized mothers and their efforts, dating back to around the Civil War.

But it was Jarvis’ push that seems to have finally cemented the day as a national holiday here in the United States, with Mothering Sunday celebrations eventually blending into it.

Other countries have followed suit, establishing their own form of the celebration, often in the spring months. So it seems that there is little debate on the importance of mothers among any given species.

As humans, we have evolved into making Mother’s Day a celebration of brunches, cards, gifts and general appreciation for our mothers.

By 1920, Jarvis had become disenchanted by the commercialization of the holiday, and actively began campaigning against it and the companies that had become profiteers of it.

It’s easy to acknowledge Jarvis’ frustration, but hard not to see how someone might want to do more than express their appreciation to their mother. Those of us lucky enough to have a mother, or even a mother figure, through our childhood usually can’t say enough about how important that person was to us.

It is often mothers who are on the front lines of battles against drunk driving, gangs, drugs and even cuts, scrapes and boo boos.

And it is the mothers of those who are serving to protect our country and communities who are paying the biggest emotional toll.

The men and women who are fighting for our freedom and safety don’t see themselves as heroes.

Society may look upon them as heroes, their mothers only see their babies.

It has been reported that phone calls would usually jump by about 37 percent on Mother’s Day, often tying up phone lines, with children calling their moms.

On Sunday, May 11 (Mother’s Day is officially the second Sunday in May) we will once again honor our mother s. So whether you get her a card, gift or even just hug of appreciation, don’t forget to let your mom know how much you appreciate her. Because one thing that is almost universally certain is that the best mom most of us have even known, is our own.

Ted Apadoca

Los Alamitos

Good job on Run Seal Beach

My letter is a little tardy but I wanted to let everyone know how awesome the race was this year.

In the past I have walked with my husband but this year I entered for the first time with a team called “The Water Babes.”

We are a group of women who have been involved with the city’s deep-water aerobics class at the pool for many years. We are of all ages and abilities but, even though our team finished last, our goal was to finish and that we did.

All those involved in putting this race together did a magnificent job.

I especially wanted to commend all the young boys and girls along the way who genuinely encouraged all of us.

One particular boy was along Electric Avenue and 16th Street and as we came by he came out to us and gave us all a “high five.”

He was so positive about what we were accomplishing that I commented how wonderful it would be to have a grandson just like him.

I think his mother was out there as well so “congratulations” on the fine job you are doing!

Our team will be out there again next year and we look forward to a spectacular day … thanks again.

Stephanie Sweeney

Seal Beach

Recycling at issue

Having to write this makes me sad and angry. I wonder what happen to morals and doing what is right?

I have been watching the recycle and garbage being dumped together for over a month now. I take the time thought and space in my home to separate and recycle.

Why are they not doing their part?

Does it cost too much to bring two trucks by and more men? At the end of the day all our efforts turn into garbage. Who is watching the ones in control? I know they did this a year ago too? When will they care enough to do the right thing whether someone is watching or not?

Julie Craker

Seal Beach

Belmont Shore happenings

The next BSRA meeting is today, Thursday, May 8, at 6 p.m., at the Bay Shore Library.

The two candidates for mayor of Long Beach, Damon Dunn and Robert Garcia, will be the guest speakers. They will speak about their candidacy and answer questions about issues of concern to Belmont Shore residents.

• The latest information about the city’s proposed purchase of the home at 205 LaVerne Avenue for a parking lot:

The parking lot plan submitted by the Long Beach Parking Commission claimed eight spaces (one handicapped) would be created on the house lot (at a cost of about $900,000 for those spaces).

But the parking lot plan was found to be deficient and in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the city’s landscape ordinance, and required turning radius. The latest submitted plan has reduced the number of spaces to only seven, but even that would require a variance, because of the inadequate turning radius.

The application has been submitted to City Planning (i.e. Long Beach Development Services) and is now scheduled to go to Planning Commission on Thursday, June 5, for a Conditional Use Permit. The meeting will be at 5 p.m. at City Hall. Free parking is available in the city’s parking structure on Broadway, behind City Hall.

Contact Casey Allen (acaseyallen@hotmail.com) to join in the fight to stop this parking lot.

Other Belmont Shore events:

• Thursday, May 15, noon, Third District Neighborhood Associations meeting, Long Beach Yacht Club

• Tuesday, May 27, noon, BSBA meeting, Legends Sports Bar (upstairs)

• Thursday, June 5, 5 p.m., Planning Commission meeting, City Hall

Belmont Shore Residents Association

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