Seal Beach needs an appointed, professional city clerk, not just another unqualified politician that gets elected because they’re popular. An appointed city clerk will save the taxpayers thousands of dollars by bringing the salary back into line with other cities and by not having to learn on the job. An appointed clerk will assure professional accountability and supervision (something that does not currently exist).
Citing the City of Bell as an example of how an elected clerk is better is a “red herring.” Bell was corrupt from top to bottom. In fact, Bell had an elected city clerk who moved out of town and the corrupt city manager gave the title of City Clerk to an innocent accounting clerk who was essentially forced to sign fraudulent documents.
To be an elected city clerk in Seal Beach, one only needs to be 18 years old and live in town. This clerk reports to no one and can come and go as they please. Seal Beach taxpayers deserve something better.
Measure EE allows the Seal Beach City Clerk to be appointed. It’s time for a professional, not another politician.
Victor S. Grgas, is a Seal Beach Taxpayer, Former Mayor and City Councilman.