Seal Beach committee looking at coyote plan

Photo courtesy USDA

The Seal Beach Ad Hoc Coyote Committee members received a draft of the city’s Coyote Management Plan on Friday, Oct. 17. The committee members will review the plan and discuss it at the next meeting.

The meeting date has not yet been released because one of the members will not be available for the next two Fridays. The main strategy is comprised of a three-pronged approach that deals with education “designed around co-existence” and enforcement of laws prohibiting feeding. The plan requires the active participation on the part of the community.

Trapping is not mentioned in the plan. However, the plan says that if an animal attacks or bites a human being, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife will search for and put down the animal responsible. Trapping opponents say it won’t work. Trapping supporters say hazing or harassing coyotes doesn’t work.