Rossmoor Womens Club installs new board

Courtesy photo

The Rossmoor Woman’s Club board for September 2015 through June 2016 was installed on June 10 at the Old Ranch Country Club.

Pictured from left to right, seated: Ellen Odell (Fundraising) Margaret Paul (Publicity ); Bev Rigney (President), Pat Aldridge (Fundraising), Denise Laube (Amenities), Sheri Mansfield (Hospitality), Rhea Black, (Recording Secretary).

Standing: Janet Hoffman (Publicity), Myrt Perisho (Programs), Barbara Lyon (Membership), Kersti Garthwaite (Recording Secretary), Pat Moore, (Financial Secretary), Ann Poissot (Budget and Finance), Barbara Murphy (Treasurer), Irene Schnipper (First Vice-President), Louise Newald (Hospitality), Clara Smith (Registrar), Sue McConnell (Amenities), Carole Rankin (Corresponding Secretary), Del Clark (Parliamentarian), Sandy Tessier (Registrar).

Absent: Helen McMillin (Historian), Yolanda Vargas. (Fundraising).