Opinion: Marleys Preschool will be good for Seal Beach

Summer Ray Russell

I understand the desire to keep our small town the way it has been—because it’s ours, and what makes our town so special.  I, too, am nostalgic for things that have made Seal Beach special and are now just memories. So many things have changed since my childhood.

I’m not typically one to get into a public debate, and in no way do I want to undermine anyone’s great experience with Growing Tree Preschool.  In my response to the previously published letter about the pending change from Growing Tree to Marley’s Preschool, I want to be clear that I am simply offering insight as a parent that is extremely happy with the well-rounded education Marley’s Preschool has offered both of my children.  I do, however, want people to know that Marley’s Preschool will be an amazing addition to the community.

With that disclaimer, here is my experience … Over four years ago, my husband and I were welcomed into Marley’s and given a tour.  Everything was very clean and organized.  I loved that they had new technology for the children to use as a learning tool, not simply a digital babysitter.  Being a teacher myself, I know how important being technologically advanced is in this day and age. (All students grades three to six are taking their state testing on iPads and laptops.)  I also appreciated that the kids get a very well-rounded experience.  They are not only taught academics, but also music, sign language, dance, and P.E.  The teachers are fabulous and excited to be there, and they genuinely care for all of the kids.  They have always worked closely with us to provide great structure for our kids.

My first child had the normal experience of being a little upset when I would drop him off and I always knew he was in the best hands and loved.  He was more than prepared for Kindergarten—he had been appropriately challenged by his teachers and was given an absolute love for learning because of the foundation the teachers and director have created.

My second child was so happy when it was finally his turn to go to school with his big brother, as he had been made to feel like part of the Marley’s family from the day he was born.

The teachers and director are very efficient, and good at communicating with the families.  They also helped both of my boys with potty training.  Along with the stellar learning environment, they pride themselves on maintaining a menu consisting of a variety of healthy foods with creative recipes the kids love.

In addition to all of the above, they have events throughout the year that include the families of students, some including performances by the kids.  I am so grateful for the experience Marley’s Preschool has provided for my family, and I whole-heartedly embrace this change.  Welcome to Seal Beach, Marley’s Preschool!