Thanks to Nat Ferguson
On behalf of the Seal Beach Animal Care Center Board of Directors, we would like to thank Nat Ferguson of Ferguson Realty for including the Care Center as the community partner at the final Summer Concert on Wednesday Aug. 19th. We so appreciate the support of Nat and his company, and all of the generous folks who participated in supporting the center.
Dee Carey and Vicki Hickam
Board Members
Frustrated in Leisure World
If residents failed to notice, Dr. Haider has announced the change in the lease administered by the Golden Rain Foundation and Tenet. Another article by Diane Gebel who graced the centerfold of the Community Navigator rounds out the page.
The Health and Fitness page may cover facilities inside our walls, but they have suddenly become available to those outside as well … health and fitness groups, transportation, and the 24-hour nurse.
When is the wall coming down so this traffic will no longer be interrogated at our entrance gates? Maybe they can bring their dogs and walk them in our greens after a stint in the car. If not, their children should get to play on the golf course and the greens. Perhaps the GRF is already looking at playground equipment and a possible day care center!
What health conditions from the general public will attack our most fragile residents? And why was this done? To generate patient flow for the Health Care Center. What was the benefit to the shareholders? Nothing except inconvenience and uncertainty. We were disappointed when we moved in as the Health Care Center did not take our insurance and we would have had to pay out of pocket. We were denied coverage by Anthem Blue Cross for a $42,000 plus stay at Los Alamitos Medical Center!
Medical care on the premises was right up there with loading and unloading on Golden Rain Road. What amenities will we lose next? When will we be compensated for the loss of amenities?
Margie Meigs
Mutual 2
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