Letters to the Editor: Monday, Oct. 14, 2024

Don’t reward bad behavior

That phrase comes into a bright spotlight now with the city proposition GG on the November ballot. Proposition GG is asking voters to increase our city sales tax by another half-cent. Our last sales tax measure, approved by voters in 2018, Measure BB (“Back the Blue”), was sold to us by its originators to take care of the needs of our Police Dept. At that time, they needed an extra $6 million annual revenue increase to pay for our peace of mind and safety. Now we are told that our city needs more funds for our first responders, drinking water, consultants and general fund spending. Where did it all go? Mismanagement and fiscal malfeasance have been rampant with our city management with approval by the city council for numerous years. Wasted monies on boondoggles such as the empty Circuit electric taxi carts driving around Old Town which cost us over $160,000 this year alone! Now, we are paying thousands of dollars for a consultant to send us “educational” mailers to convince us to approve this tax measure. Staff also wants to increase our water and sewer rates another 140%! What about the hundreds of thousands paid for pool consultants and studies! At the same time that staff complained about the financial burdens of “State Mandates”, they threw themselves a $5000 holiday party. While handwringing over a budget shortfall last June, the City’s Department Heads demanded a pay raise of 3.9% even though all other employees, including Police, were willing to accept 2.5%. Their pay raise was paid for by decreasing sidewalk washing on Main Street. A government for the people or a government for the employees? Seal Beach has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Enough is enough. Vote “NO” on GG the sales tax and force change. Tell the City Council with your vote that you are no longer happy with business as usual.

Marc Loopesko

Seal Beach

Sun Editorial Policy For Election Season

From now until the election on Tuesday, Nov. 5, the Sun will adhere to the following editorial policy for Letters to the Editor and guest editorials. Any letters or guest editorials that are political in nature, candidate endorsements or election-related, will be posted online, but due to space they will not be published in the print edition. Letters and editorials will be posted online only after the author’s identity has been verified and under no circumstances should they contain any libelous statements. The Sun reserves the right to edit any submission. Editorial submissions should be limited to 400-500 words. Letters and editorial submissions can be sent to editor@sunnews.org for consideration.