Looking for a romantic spot in Seal Beach?

Informal survey says: The Pier is the most romantic place in Seal Beach

The Seal Beach Pier is the most romantic place in our town, according to a recent informal social media survey. Walt’s Wharf (unfortunately still closed due to a February fire), the Beach House restaurant, Spaghettini’s and Patty’s Place were also named as romantic spots. Sunsets were frequently mentioned. 

Main Street eateries also came up, including: The Hangout, O’Malley’s, Bistro St. Germain, Sweet Jill’s Bakery, and 320 Main. Eisenhower Park and Gum Grove Park also came up. 

We asked the question of two Facebook pages and Nextdoor. Long Beach came up a couple of times. In all, the we received 74 comments; 19 comments specifically mentioned the Pier. Space limits make it impossible to include every comment. The comments have been lightly edited to correct errors of spelling and punctuation. 

• Gregg Barton wrote: “Under the Pier by the crashing surf!”

• Byron Ernster wrote: “Under the Pier at sunset.”

• Lars Thorn wrote: “Listening to great live music with the sunset at the Beach House, Boathouse, and free concerts on the Pier!” 

• Kevin J. Cuthbertson wrote: “Walking on the Pier always works for me.” 

• Steven Joseph Esquivel wrote: “On the way to ‘anarchy rock’ there are a couple of benches , but that’s in Long Beach, so could be the south side of the [Seal Beach] Pier socked in with fog, but waist high it’s clear visibility, there’s a pony keg and you’re like 17 years old.”

• Craig Young wrote: “North side of the Pier south of the jetty, tucked in between the sand dunes behind the beach front homes. The sand is really fine.”

• Carol Elias wrote: “The Pier, Patty’s Place, any place in Seal! I love this town … ”

• Cynthia Smith Mosqueda wrote: “The Pier at night during super moon.”

• Giselle Smith wrote: “Walking on the Pier. I miss the restaurant that used to be on the Pier.”

• Phuoc Germine wrote: “The Pier, Main Street, and Electric Avenue.”

• Sandee Bradley wrote: “I grew up in Seal Beach and my husband first said he loved me on the end of the Pier one evening, it was magical.”

• Sue Gordon wrote: “The Pier. I also love Sweet Jill’s Bakery. I really miss Old Town Cafe.”

• Marc Loopesko wrote: “The end of the Pier with its totally great unobstructed view to Catalina and the snow covered mountains to the east. YES, keep the Pier open!”

• Gail A. wrote: “The end of the Pier.”


• Michael Mcnulty of Greenbelt Heights wrote: “Walt’s Wharf.” 

• Surf Hag wrote: “Walt’s Wharf for us. Started as our dating place for my now hubby 35 years ago and then became our kids and our birthday dinners and now my daughter and I’s mother daughter lunch dates. Holds a special place in our hearts.”

• Irene Heath wrote: “Patty’s Place … We celebrated our engagement there.”

• Cindy Power wrote: “Patty’s Place for dinner.”

• Lisa Francais wrote: “Patty’s Place.”

• Kindra Erickson wrote: “Bistro St Germain!”

• Tania Pantoja: wrote: “Spaghettini. Especially when a good live music option is playing.”

• Amy Walsh wrote: “O’Malleys.”

• Julie Hesketh Frasso wrote: “Mahe … Happy Hour.”

• Lori Muller Gray wrote: “The Beach House.”

• Shari Delaney wrote: “Spaghettini’s bar when jazz music is playing.”

• Alice Billman wrote: “I like the Hangout. The food is really good, and it’s where my husband took me on our first date.”

• Charlotte Salisbury wrote: “Spaghettini with music in the bar area.”

• Enea O. wrote: “A lady I just met told me she loves Beach House. Great sunsets as well as food. It’s a great combo to be on the beach and to be with your date.”

• Abby Wright wrote: “320 for sure!” This was apparently a reference to the 320 Main restaurant.

Other romantic spots

• David Henry wrote: “A bench in Eisenhower Park when the Christmas tree is lit. Either that or Gum Grove Park on a Friday night in 1978 … ”

• Dawn Sasse-Southern wrote: “Picnic in Gum Grove [Park] during the spring when the wildflowers are in bloom.”

• Gregg DeNicola wrote: “A sunset toast on the deck of the Water Tower.”

• Rohan Sask wrote: “The new park on 1st Street at sunset.”

• Donna Claire wrote: “Sitting on the beach at sunrise or sunset with your love!!”

• Terri Woodard wrote: “12th Street Lifeguard tower on a July evening.”

• Katie Allen wrote: “The jetty at sunset.”

• Victoria Somlo wrote: “Watching the sunset at River’s End.”

• Esther Kenyon wrote: “West Eisenhower Park watching the sunset.”

• Jamie Davis wrote: “Anywhere with them.”

• Cheryl Suddarth wrote: “My husband and I like to sit at River’s End in the car at sundown.” This was apparently a reference to the River’s End area of the city beach, near the San Gabriel River.

• Tallisha Irvine wrote: “Gum Grove.”