Miss Teen Seal Beach competes for Miss California Teen USA title

Malia Rivers is crowned Miss Teen Seal Beach in March 2015. File photo

Top 10 Productions, Inc., producers of Miss California Teen USA® and have selected Malia Rivers to represent City of Seal Beach in the upcoming state pageant to be held Dec. 4-6 in Long Beach.

The winner of Miss California Teen USA® will go on to compete at the national Miss USA® competition.

Malia Rivers, crowned as Miss Teen Seal Beach 2015 and Miss Seal Beach Swimsuit 2015 last March, is a long time Rossmoor local having attended Rossmoor Elementary and McAuliffe Middle School. Now a 16-year-old junior at Los Alamitos High School, she is intricately involved with the Varsity Cross Country Team and a member of Show Choir.

Malia is a three year Student-Athlete Award recipient for maintaining higher than a 3.5 GPA, a two-year varsity athlete, a Coach’s Award recipient, an Outstanding Athlete Award recipient, and is certainly a proven leader of her team with a sub-20 minute three mile race.

Malia is the recipient of the 2015 Show Choir National Grand Champion Award for her performance in the 2015 FAME national competition choir show at both Lincoln Center in New York City as well as in Chicago, Illinois.  She has also won third place and Top 10 in the Junior Lifeguards Regionals Competition.  Malia has received a Girl Scout Bronze and a Girls Scout Silver Award, and is now in pursuit of the coveted Gold Award, the highest award a Girl Scout can earn.  Malia looks forward to leading and serving throughout a Girls Scout Gold project that will leave a lasting impact on the community of Seal Beach.

When asked what she enjoys doing outside of her role as Miss Teen Seal Beach, Girl Scout, studying, and extracurricular school activities, she said, “I enjoy exploring new places with my family and surfing with my friends.”

Malia lives in Rossmoor with her proud parents Mara and Scott and her little sister Milani.

Both Miss California USA® and Miss California Teen USA® will be held at the Terrace Theater Dec. 4-6, with the Westin Long Beach as the host hotel.

The pageant will put on three shows (two preliminary competitions and one finals competition) that will be ticketed events open to the public. Tickets for the pageant shows will be available on Ticketmaster.com.  Supporters who can not attend the show in person can watch live on Sunday, Dec. 6, at 4 p.m. online at www.PageantVision.com to see who will be crowned and begin the year and opportunity of their dreams.