Animal Noise—(Priority 3)—1:50 p.m.—Wisteria Street—According to the log, the owners moved out in May. The dog remained and has been continually barking. Police spoke with the reporting person regarding the noise complaint. Police also spoke with another neighbor who stated she would contact the homeowner about putting something over the gate to stop the dog from barking. ???????????????
Is this a misprint? The owners move out and leave a dog alone to bark all day? Who is taking care of the dog and why hasn’t the dog gone to a shelter at this point if the owners are gone?
I wish these crime log incidents had more information or clearer outcomes associated with them. I would appreciate knowing what happened to this animal.
Thank you,
Christina Miller
College Park East
Re: Parking and City Revenue
In the year 2000, the toll booths were removed from the Vincent Thomas bridge in San Pedro because they determined that after the wages of the toll collectors and the cost to operate the program were considered, only 2 cents of every dollar collected actually ended up in municipal coffers. It is essential that any consideration of parking fees be viewed through this lens. As to revenue, surely a more effective sourcing would be to sit a police officer at the end of the San Gabriel River trail near the rivers end and hand out citations to the copious electric bicycles flying down the trail in violation of all the posted signs. The city could raise revenue while also enforcing the law and making it a safer place for walkers, joggers and traditional cyclists.
Ian Bishop
Why the RV Park? It’s
The GRF Board had nothing to do with identifying the RV Park among the land inventory sites in the Seal Beach Housing Element. It was solely my idea. If you want to understand why I can tell you. If you just want to join in NIMBYism don’t bother to read further. At the root of it Government Code Section 65583.2(c) requires, as part of the analysis of available sites to be included in a Housing Element, “a local government to must demonstrate the projected residential development capacity of the sites identified in the housing element can realistically be achieved.” Realistically is defined as a way that demonstrates a sensible and practical idea or alternately a way that is accurate and true to life.
I was keeping those facts in mind when I read the original draft of the Housing Element two years ago just after being appointed to the Seal Beach Planning Commission where I took an oath to “well and faithfully discharge the duties of that office.” To me that meant I could not let a lie persist in the Housing Element draft. The City did not know it was a lie but I did. What was that lie? The Housing Element draft had identified all of Leisure World as a potential site and described it this way. “Parking is scattered throughout the site and contained within car port structures. The 150 units can be accommodated on approximately 5 acres at a density of 30 units to an acre within areas that are currently developed with simple carports. New two-story buildings can accommodate parking on the ground level with units above. Since only 1 percent of the site is anticipated to be redeveloped with the removal of some carports and the incorporation of the replacement parking within new development, the existing uses will not impede the anticipated amount of residential development.”
I knew it was a lie to say it was even possible, and certainly not realistic, to take away resident’s carports to build additional housing units. So I suggested that the only lot within Leisure World that could accommodate 150 units would be the land currently occupied by the RV Park. It met the criteria that it not be a lie and that it be realistic, however improbable. No one actually expects it to ever be built. I’ll take the blame for honoring my oath.
Nick Massetti
Seal Beach Planning Commission