National Charity League South Coast Chapter celebrated the graduation of its Senior Ticktocker class of 2023. Since 1925, National Charity League has been a mother-daughter service organization dedicated to philanthropic service, in addition to leadership development and cultural experiences.
The young women of our organization are known as Ticktockers. This year’s class began their NCL membership in 7th grade and have collectively contributed thousands of hours of philanthropic service to the Los Alamitos, Seal Beach, Cypress, and Long Beach communities.
This year’s graduating class was honored for their service to the community, as well as their leadership and academic accomplishments at the chapter’s annual Senior Recognition ceremony, dinner, and dance at The Petroleum Club in April.
Elayna Hodge received the Merci Award, a special recognition awarded to a senior Ticktocker who has earned the most philanthropic hours throughout 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. This year’s class gave their thanks to the mothers and daughters of the South Coast Chapter at their last National Charity League event, a formal tea held on May 21, at Old Ranch Country Club.
National Charity League South Coast Chapter Ticktocker Class of 2023 looks forward to continuing their legacy of service and leadership at the various universities they will be attending this Fall.