Letter to the City Council

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Hello – after reading the Sun’s [June 1] report on parking it reminded me to email you all. I recently watched the beginning of the city council meeting a few weeks ago and could not believe the responses to the parking specialist’s report. We, the citizens of Seal Beach, paid for a parking specialist to do an extensive report and a couple of you questioned the data and wanted to prolong the inevitable.

Mayor Moore; you actually suggested holding off on town halls “for a couple of years”. If that is your stance, why in the world would we pay for the specialist to do the report? And then you said 70% of your constituents do not want paid parking. Well, of course, no one wants to pay for parking. Someone in a position on the city council should offer alternatives to residents; like the current parking permit program being implemented on Main St for 2 hours. We already have the technology in place and the city could offer the pass for free for low income individuals. I also heard the flip phone excuse. That is not a viable reason to not generate money for this town.

Seal Beach passed a 1% sales tax increase a few years ago that was supposed to alleviate financial problems. I understand costs have risen, but having tourists pay for parking sounds a lot better than raising resident taxes, again.

Council members Steele and Landau; thank you for moving forward. We can absolutely meter Main Street and let’s do Ocean, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th too. Our city parking permits are $25 for an entire year and it’s all license plate technology. We can allow residents who pay for the permit to park.

After 6 years for two of you, 4 years for another; what can you say that you’ve actually accomplished that makes life better for Seal Beach residents? Don’t get me wrong, life’s pretty good in Seal Beach, but not because of the city council. Take some risks and move the needle. Change things up, whether that’s at city hall or just by doing something different, but whatever it takes make things better.

Council-members Landau and Steele – keep shaking things up.


Steve Miller