Seal Beach City Council amends contract for sewer pump improvements

Station 35 serves Boeing, the Naval Weapons Station, the Hill, and Old Town

The Seal Beach City Council on May 8 approved a contract amendment with Ardurra Group, Inc., to make improvements to the Sewer Pump Station 35.

During the May 2 budget workshop, Public Works Director Iris Lee said this pump serves the sewer system for Boeing, the Naval Weapons Station, the Hill, and Old Town.

According to a staff report dated May 8, payments are covered by a city fund and are within the current budget. (The council will approve the new budget in June.)

This was a Consent Calendar item and was approved without discussion. Nothing was pulled from the May 8 Consent Calendar.

“There is no financial impact for this item,” according to the staff report by Public Works Director Iris Lee.

“It should be noted that payments made to Ardurra for any services performed within the current fiscal year are within the current fiscal budget and within an available unexhausted fund,” Lee wrote.

“If the next adopted budget does not allocate funds or does not have sufficient funds, Ardurra’s services will automatically terminate at the conclusion of the fiscal year,” Lee wrote.

The background for this agreement appeared near the beginning of the staff report.

“The City has adopted the Sewer Master Plan identifying critical infrastructure improvements to ensure system reliability. As a result, Sewer Pump Station #35 Improvements (CIP SS1903) and 6th Street Alley Sewer and Water Replacement (CIP SS1902) were budgeted into the capital improvement program,” Lee wrote.

The original agreement was approved on May 24, 2021, according to Lee’s report.

“Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic, recent increased Public Works vacancies and financial issues prevented the projects from being completed as originally scoped,” Lee wrote.

Staff recommended extending the agreement to Dec. 31, 2025, which would reportedly allow time for completion of the services Ardurra has been hired to provide.