The Seal Beach Police Department will host a Citizens’ Academy beginning in March 2023.
The Citizens’ Academy was developed to provide the public with an understanding of law enforcement’s role in the community. This 10-week program offers an overview of the SBPD’s structure, philosophy, operations, and services. Through hands-on demonstrations and exercises, participants will experience a variety of activities that police officers deal with on a daily basis. They will also have the opportunity to go on ride-alongs with Seal Beach officers.
The Citizens’ Academy will meet one night a week for ten consecutive weeks. Each session will be held at the Seal Beach Police Department on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9:45 p.m. The class dates are March 29, April 5, April 12, April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, and May 31. There will be a graduation ceremony on the tenth week of the Citizens’ Academy. Each participant will receive a graduation certificate and a special souvenir from the department.
The information covered during each week’s session will help the community gain knowledge of police operations, units, procedures, and protocols. The expectations of the Citizens’ Academy are to develop a stronger relationship between the community and police department, and to make Seal Beach an even safer city.
The curriculum is designed to be an overview of the police department and is not intended to serve as training for a career in law enforcement. Topics include:
• Seal Beach Police Department Organizational Structure / Chain of Command
• Roles in Law Enforcement
• Ethics and Police Professionalism
• Detective Bureau / Criminal Investigations
• Narcotics and DUI Investigations
• Police Canines
• Use of Force
• Patrol Operations and Traffic Stops
• Shoot / Don’t Shoot Scenarios
• Traffic Enforcement and Collision Investigation
• Shooting Range and Firearms Training
• CPR Certification
• Coroner Investigations
• Orange County Fire Authority Presentation
• Seal Beach Marine Safety / Lifeguards Presentation
• Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) Presentation
The Citizens’ Academy is open to a maximum of 18 participants at this time, with future academy sessions being considered. In order to participate in the Citizens’ Academy, applicants must be at least 18 years of age, live or work in Seal Beach, and must not have any misdemeanor or felony convictions.
Selection procedures require completion of an application, modified personal history statement, and a criminal background check. After completion of the selection process, applicants will be mailed a confirmation letter indicating acceptance into the program and other details.
“The Citizens’ Academy is one of our favorite ways to invite the community to the police department so that they can learn about what we do. We encourage anyone who has an interest to apply,” said Chief Michael Henderson.
This is the first new SBPD Citizens’ Academy since the shutdowns of the pandemic.
“The last Citizens’ Academy began in February 2020,” wrote Lt. Julia Clasby in a Feb. 6 email. Clasby is the public information officer for the SBPD.
“The class’s last few sessions and graduation were delayed significantly due to the pandemic. They graduated in April 2022,” Clasby wrote.
To obtain more information about the program or to request an application, contact Sergeant Joe Garcia at or (562) 799-4100 ext. 1649.