Nancy Gibbons keeps alive the passion her late husband, Bob, had for partnering with The Kiwanis Club of Huntington Beach to award a student a Youth Inspirational Scholarship. The recipient of this year’s annual award is Hannah Nguyen, a recent graduate of Edison High School, who will be attending UCI to continue her education in public health/biological sciences with a career in holistic medicine.
Debbie Briscoe, the Kiwanis Scholarship chair, along with her committee—Adam Bowermaster, Linda Hahn and Jim Ketchersid—chose Hannah based on the wonderful essay she wrote.
HB Mayor Kim Carr presented Hannah with a proclamation from the city, along with some advice: “Never stop learning and never stop giving back to your community.”
Former HB City Council Member and current Kiwanis Board Member Patrick Brenden said: “Hannah was a very deserving student of this special award. She read her award-winning essay to the Kiwanians. It’s great the club continues to support our youth and community in so many ways.”
Club President Shawn Wood presented the award, honoring Gibbons, the late 94-year-old and a former Kiwanis Lt. Gov. of California, Nevada and Hawaii. “Our Scholarship recipient has a strong academic record and it makes me proud to help honor her.”
Kiwanian Bob Slater, who worked with Gibbons in an inter-club committee, said, “Bob’s presence in the Kiwanis clubs was phenomenal. He spent so much time helping the kids in the region and was well-known for that. I was just proud to be a part of that situation and will cherish that forever.”
Kiwanis Club Member John Etheridge Said: The Bob Gibbons “Most Inspirational” Kiwanis Award was started in 2014. I thought it would be a nice way to carry on Bob’s name, as our club grew and changed. I couldn’t bear the thought of him being forgotten after his passing. Bob was the first recipient, and he died later that year. It’s given each year to the Kiwanian who most personifies Bob’s inspirational spirit and his unflagging work ethic.”
For more information about Kiwanis of HB and to apply for a scholarship, visit