Run Seal Beach T-shirt contest starts

File photo of past Kids 1K Fun Run

Run Seal Beach® is looking for the next “Georgia O’Keefe” of our community!  The 2016 Kid’s 1K Fun Run Shirt Design contest is in full swing.  Remember the theme for the T-shirt contest this year is “Seaside Sprinters!”

Michelle Samuelson, the chair for the Kids Fun Run, said, “The winning design will be featured on our Kid’s Run shirts and the winner will lead off the run on race day, Saturday, April 9—it is truly a magical moment for them and for all of those kids who see the design on their shirts.”

All entries are due by Feb. 12. Winners will be announced by the end of February.  Who is eligible to enter? Any current student who attends elementary school in the LAUSD district or Seal Beach home schooled (Kindergarteners to age 10 by Dec. 1, 2015) is eligible to participate.  Submit as many entries as possible. According to the organizing committee and leadership, the following are all important criteria:

•    Artwork must be submitted on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of white paper

Artwork must include up to 4 total colors with creativity and style

•    Artwork must include the likeness of the Kids 1K Mascot “Sammy the Seal”(shown on submission form)

•    Artwork must include theme “Seaside Spinters”

If you are interested in learning more, go to: and click on the Kids Fun Run tab or email Samuelson at

Main Street Cyclery, Alternative Surf and Harbour Surfboards have generously donated prizes for first place (a PHAT cruiser), for second (a body board) and third place (a $50 gift certificate).