This year’s Run Seal Beach 5/10K race is a huge success

Maddox Chevron Rapp, fourth generation Seal Beach resident (Great-Grandson of Ben and Lila Rapp), finished first place second year in a row in the Seal Beach 1K Fun Run. Congratulations Maddox!

In spite of a looming threat of rain throughout race day, Run Seal Beach has once again produced a fun-filled and successful event to benefit local fitness programs and services.

Greg Phillips, board president said, “We had a smooth running race from start to finish as a direct result of our dedicated team leads and board members working together with the City to bring the event to a winning finish. Of course, we wouldn’t even have a race without our generous sponsors and volunteers. I want to thank all of them for their continued support of Run Seal Beach.”

Seth Eaker, board director and “voice of the race” added, “It was once again awe inspiring to look out over a crowd of more than 4,400 runners and thousands of bystanders gathered together in our beautiful Seal Beach to run for health, competition, local causes and just plain fun!”

The core charter of Run Seal Beach is to raise funds and awareness for recreation or fitness programs and services to benefit the greater Seal Beach Community including Rossmoor and Los Alamitos.

In 2015, Run Seal Beach awarded $140,090 to 88 organizations that encompassed a wide range of community program needs.

Since 2003, RSB has given back $1.3 million to our community, representing more than 114 organizations through the years, touching thousands of residents, students, servicemen and those who are served by our community.

The grant process is open now, and any health or fitness related organization is encouraged to apply.

The total amount of grants to be awarded this year is not yet known.

To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be: based in the contiguous Los Alamitos School District and be requesting funds in support of recreation fitness programs or services.

The definition of recreation is “refreshment by means of some pastime, agreeable exercise, or the like. It may also be a pastime, diversion, exercise, or other resource affording relaxation and enjoyment.”

In addition, the requesting organization must be IRS recognized as a non-profit or service organization and provide a letter of determination. Finally, all grant applicants must also provide a detailed costing for requests. This documentation may be in the form of catalogue pricing, quotes or some other format. Scholarship requests must be supported with documentation as to the scholarship process used to award them. Grant requests are due back to the organization by May 15. For more information about the grant process or any aspect of the race, visit See you next year!