In early May, the Grampaw Pettibone Squadron, affiliated with the Association of Naval Aviation, presented certificates and gifts to the Outstanding Sailors of the Quarter who are stationed at Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. The ceremony occurred at the recent monthly meeting of the GPS at the Elks Lodge in Garden Grove.
For the Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach, the Senior Sailor of the Quarter was MA1 Brandon Kinnery; the Junior Sailor of the Quarter was MA2 Abigail Weiss, and the Blue Jacket of the Quarter was MASN Katherine Parsley.
For the Navy Munitions Command Pacific CONUS West Division Unit, Seal Beach, the Senior Sailor of the Quarter was MN1(SW/EXW) Garret Schilz; the Junior Sailor of the Quarter was MN2(SW) Christian Quezada; and the Blue Jacket of the Quarter was MN3 Carlo Jaeloza.
All of them, except two who could not attend because of conflict with duty at the base, received certificates from Grampaw Pettibone Squadron. CMDMCS (AW/NAC) Kirby Lee, Command Senior Chief for the Weapons Station, introduced the sailors and MNC Brian Lampman and MACS Pascal Herrling assisted with the presentation. Each sailor also received an attractive plaque from the USAA Insurance Company.
The squadron also recognized Kirby Lee for his recent promotion which occurred less than two hours before out meeting. He was promoted to master chief petty officer, which is the highest enlisted rank in the Navy. Already he has served a year and a half as the command senior chief for the Naval Weapons Station. Congratulations to Master Chief Petty Officer Lee and all of the Sailors of the Quarter.
The program for the day was presented by Bill Schultz, PHD, entitled “The Role of Electronics in the WWII US Navy, and Its Post War Legacy.”
He was professor and chair of the computer information systems department at the State University of New York College in Buffalo for 22 years.
Squadron officials thanked local restaurants that participated in honoring these special sailors. Located in Seal Beach, were Avila’s El Ranchito Mexican Restaurant, Crema Cafe, Hennessey’s Tavern, O’Malley’s on Main, 320 Main, Finbars Italian Kitchen, Glory Days Beachside Grill, Yucatan Grill, Spaghettini, California Pizza Kitchen, Chick-fil-A, Islands, and Romano’s Macaroni Grill. In Sunset Beach were Fish Camp and Harry’s Rooftop Restaurant. Included also was the Crab Cooker & Fish Market on Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach.