Hundreds of veterans, their families and friends attended Memorial Day ceremonies in Seal Beach. In Leisure World, the ceremony was held at the retirement community’s amphitheater on Monday. They were treated to big band music, moving tributes to fallen service men and women, and a sing-along medley of armed forces songs. Ceremonies were also held at the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach and in Old Town’s Eisenhower Park.
In Leisure World, Members of the American Legion Riders motorcycle club brought flags representing the five branches of the armed services, POWs and MIAs to the stage, followed by a rousing rendition of the national anthem by Anita Ragole, accompanied by the Velvetones.
Leisure World’s American Legion Post 327, and Leisure World Auxiliary Unit 327 also participated in the celebration, which featured comments and memories from Commander Rich Carson and Navy veteran Jim Gauderman, who served during the Cuban Missile Crisis and four tours of duty during the Vietnam War.
In Eisenhower Park, Pastor Tia Wildermuth of Seal Beach’s First Methodist Church, departed from the official program to call on audience members to call out the name of service members who died in the line of duty or who passed away.
At the Navy base, a bell tolled for each of the 52 U.S. submarines lost during World War II. The National Submarine Memorial West, located at the entrance to the Seal Beach Navy base, also honors the memory of those submariners who gave their lives during the Cold War.