Local shelter honored for domestic violence efforts

Interval House Crisis Shelters and Centers for Victims of Domestic Violence will receive Soroptimist International of Long Beach’s (SILB) top award for organizations, “Businesses and Organizations Advancing the Status of Women,” during SILB’s 29th Annual Women Who Make a Difference Awards Luncheon on May 1.

Since its founding in 1979, Interval House has helped shape the movement to end violence against women, pioneering innovative services for women from culturally diverse backgrounds in over 60 different languages, and advocating

for critical laws that have provided greater protection for all battered women and children.

As a result, Interval House has blossomed into a nationally recognized program honored with the nation’s most prestigious awards, including three Presidential Awards, two California Governor’s Awards, and a U.S. Department of Justice Award citing Interval House as a “model” domestic violence program to the nation.

“We are very honored and humbled to receive this incredible award from Soroptimist International of Long Beach, an organization we have always admired for its commitment to improving the lives of women and girls locally and throughout the world.

It is the same mission that we, at Interval House, have dedicated ourselves to realizing since our doors first opened,” said Interval House Executive Director Carol Williams, a Long Beach native and domestic violence pioneer who has been instrumental in developing Interval House since its founding in 1979.

“Today, most of our staff and advocates are culturally diverse former victims who embody Interval House’s philosophy of empowerment. They have transformed into leading experts and educators who have dedicated their lives to helping other women and children in crisis,” Williams said. “Our multicultural staff reflect the essence of Soroptimist International and the diversity of Southern California, representing cultures, languages, and religions from across the globe.”

Interval House’s specialization in serving culturally diverse victims will culminate in this, its 30th year of service, by founding the International Institute Against Violence, which will serve as a premier forum for dialogue about violence against women.

Scheduled to launch in 2011, the Institute will convene world renowned experts to provide leadership on issues of violence against women through cross-cultural seminars, workshops, and conferences throughout the year.

Soroptimist International of Long Beach’s “Women Who Make a Difference” awards luncheon is scheduled for May 1 at The Grand, 4101 E. Willow, in Long Beach.

For more information about the event, please visit www.si-longbeach.org.

Interval House is a nationally recognized non-profit domestic violence program offering shelter and comprehensive supportive services to Los Angeles and Orange County communities since 1979.

Over the last 30 years, Interval House has worked tirelessly to develop innovative programs that have been recognized with over 400 local, regional and national awards.

For more information about Interval House or to make a donation, please call (562) 594-9492 or visit www.intervalhouse.org.