Los Alamitos High School Club donates to MS

Facsimile of donation check to MS society.

With sunny skies and big smiles, the “STUD” club at Los Al HS donated $1,000 to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

The “STUD” club organized student dances that embrace a positive attitude and environment for students to dance and have fun. The funds raised came from the dances the club sponsored.

The Director of Teams from the Pacific South Coast Chapter of the MS Society, Jenny Dittmore, received the check from student club president, Travis Frost.

Multiple sclerosis (or MS) is a chronic, often disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system, which is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.  To find out more information about MS, go to their website, www.MSpacific.org.

Frost, a senior, who will be attending the University of San Francisco next fall, picked the MS Society because of his own personal experience with MS.  Frost’s grandfather suffers from the disease.

“It’s very rare to receive a donation of this size from a high school student group. This amount is extraordinary and very generous,” said Dittmore.  “This money will serve people with MS and their families living in Orange County.  We are honored that the students at Los Alamitos HS chose us.”

Brent Eldridge, the faculty advisor of the student club echoed the same sentiments.

“I am proud of the follow through from all these students.  This is impressive for young people to be involved and to care,” said Eldridge.  Proud principal, Dr. Grant Litfin, expressed his accolades to Frost and all the student board members of a job well done for a great cause.

Student board members attending the donation ceremony were Patrick Lilley, Sam Loney, Mark Lowrimore, Garrett Kenworthy, and Rudy Romero.