Seal Beach baby Katelena Cybil Hardesty

Katelena Cybil Hardesty

Katelena Cybil Hardesty was no fool – she waited till April 2 to make her long anticipated arrival into the world.  Born at 3:16 a.m., Katelena weighed 6 pounds 3 ounces and was 16-1/2 inches long.  Proud parents, Joanna and Rick Hardesty are Seal Beach residents and equally as proud grandparents are Jerry and Elena Marty of the Long Beach/Naples community and Jim and Signe Hardesty of Woodland Hills.

Katelena’s unusual name was derived from three women who, Joanna said,  positively influenced her life.  Her mother, Elena, her “Aunt Kat” (Kat Goyan of Belmont Park) and “Aunt Sybil” (Sybil Mack of Gaithersburg, Virginia), both friends of Elena.  “We are so honored to have her parents think so highly of us…” commented both Kat and Sybil when told of baby Kat’s original name.