To Councilwoman Ellery Deaton:
Please, don’t add parking meters on Main Street. It is often difficult to find a place to park on Main Street. We’ll survive.
One of the charms of Seal Beach is that its main street is parking-meter-free.
We both concur with and support Paul Wayne’s column in [the Jan. 4 issue of ] the Sun.
Melinda Howell and Steve Cole
Seal Beach
Deaton’s reply
This option is only one that the Parking Committee looked at as part of the comprehensive review of our parking situation. The committee would be remiss to not look at the complete picture. However, that being said, I am not and have never been in favor of parking meters on Main. Just because the idea is floated does not mean it is an idea our town wants. It falls in the same category as a parking structure next to the Fire Station…an idea, but not one we as a community may be interested in. Thank you for writing to me and letting me know how you feel; it helps me represent you better.
Ellery Deaton
Council Member, District 1
Unhappy with Crime Log changes
We have lived in Seal Beach for almost 35 years. I have always found your Crime Log to be most informative, and, let’s admit it, often entertaining. A few weeks ago, you announced you would no longer be listing any actions except those that resulted in an arrest. I am not happy with this change.
I think it is a valuable local service for you to report when there have been a series of windows smashed in parked cars on a certain street. Or when there has suddenly been a rash of bicycle thefts in a particular area, etc. It helps us all remember to not be careless.
And I admit it, I enjoy reading “officers assisted mother duck in getting ducklings up curb at intersection of Seal Beach Boulevard and Lampson.” Or “caller reported loud banging outside window at 3 a.m. Officers discovered a large raccoon sorting through recycling.” Even Tsuch things as “caller reported elderly man who appeared lost in Sprouts parking lot. Officer assisted with locating his car.” It’s nice to know help is out there.I think that by eliminating everything except arrests, the Seal Beach Sun loses much of it’s “small town” appeal. And that’s a shame.
Karen McCauley
College Park East