Cub Scouts clean Rosmoor Elementary’s Kids Corner

Cub Scouts Webelo Den 5 (The Dragons) of Pack 658 cleaned up the garden area near the Kids Corner on Montecito Road at Rossmoor Elementary School.  The boys cleaned up and removed all of the old plants and three loads of concrete, broke down the plastic perimeter planter box, cut it up and recycled it. Pack 658 is sponsored by Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church, and meets at Rossmoor Elementary School. The group included Dragon Patrol Members (now 5th graders). Eric Adams, Cole Fatone, William Henriksen, Ryan Herda, Brian Jenkin, Curtis Nishihira, Owen Pearce, Joshua Ridgeway,Adrian Rojes, Brian Schultze, Zachary Van Steenwyk and Dr. William V. Ridgeway, Jr., Webelo Den Leader, Pack 658.