Rossmoorgate: The RPMT: Activists or busybodies?

Joyce Bloom

The Rossmoor Predator Management Team has served its purpose.  Coyotes are no longer seen in Rossmoor. According to the RPMT, the newest predators are now Rossmoorians who don’t leash their dogs.

While I am not a fan of the RPMT as run by Dave and Rebecca Lara, I concede that they are correct in their quest to have dogs leashed within Rossmoor. Factually, the Orange County Codified Ordinance is explicit: “It is unlawful to be on any public school property” with your dog leashed or unleashed.”

Likewise, it is unlawful to be in public parks with your dog. Orange County’s ordinance also pertains to Rush and Rossmoor Parks. The Rossmoor Community Services District in its infinite wisdom has posted signs that allow dogs within the park provided they are leashed.

The RCSD’s posted signs are in conflict with the OCCO.

The RCSD board should remedy their mistake and adhere to the OCCO. Unless you have personally stepped into some dog poop after a visit to a park or a school you may not think that allowing dogs in parks and school grounds is a big deal. But trust me! When your child comes home with a smelly shoe and tracks it into you house you will change your mind.

And now more about the RPMT.

Mrs. Lara seems to believe that the RPMT makes her a community activist with special privileges. However, some seem to think of the RPMT as busybodies.

At the Feb. 14, RCSD meeting she stated that she had learned how to file a temporary restraining order. Did she tell us that in order to scare Rossmoorians or Director Kahlert?

At that same meeting she accused Director Kahlert of harassing her when all he did was call her on the telephone.

Beware, Kahlert!

Mrs. Lara did file a TRO against a neighbor on Rowena, who was also a member of her RPMT.

The TRO was denied and the restraining order that Mrs. Lara filed was dismissed.  I have been told that the people who live on Rowena are tiptoeing around the street. The Laras have cameras all over their property and if you knock on the door you will be greeted with a sign that tells you they will call the police. The police have been called more than once. What a misuse of the OC Sheriff Department’s time.

It seems a little bit of paranoia could cause one to do irrational things.

Joyce Bloom is a longtime resident of Rossmoor and former member of the Rossmoor Community Services District Board of Directors.