When you initially start planning a major event many months in advance, you really don’t know how it’s going to turn out. Well, eight months later on Saturday, April 21, our questions were answered and Run Seal Beach was an overwhelming success and record breaker in every measurement.
There were 6000 participants from 28 states and 7 foreign countries who ran the streets of Seal Beach, some extremely fast and some just took a leisurely jaunt enjoying the beautiful sights that our lovely town has to offer.
Top ranking runners set new course records in both the 5K and 10K runs. Competitors ranging in age from 3 to 89 were on the course and everyone finished with smiles at the pier on a picture perfect morning. The Kid’s Fun Run and supervised Fun Zone was once again a big hit with almost 400 kids participating and training to be our future race winners.
This year’s event not only set a record for participants but also in local corporate and business sponsorships. We thank all our sponsors because their support validates our fund raising efforts in support of fitness and recreational programs and activities in the local area.
We want to greatly thank the over 500 volunteers who make race day happen and the organizing committee managers who have worked and planned every detail for the past eight months. They are all Seal Beach residents and gave of their time in support of this great community event. A big thank you also goes to the SUN NEWSPAPER for all their coverage and support.
Grant applications are now being received. If you are a qualified, local non-profit organization, please review the grant rules and download the grant request form (www.RunSealBeach.com) and submit it ASAP. This year’s grants should be extremely large in total and will be awarded by mid-July.
Large support for the event came from Seal Beach Mayor Levitt and City Council, Seal Beach City Management, Public Works Dept., Lifeguard Dept., and the Recreation Dept. We thank you all. A big salute of gratitude goes to the many men and women of our cities finest – the Seal Beach Police Dept. under the lead of Cpl. Phil Gonshak & Sgt. John Scott who made this the safest and best run yet.
Thank you to all the Old Town residents and Main Street businesses who were patient and understanding in dealing with the street closures the morning of the race.
When next in City Hall, make sure to go upstairs to the Recreation office and look at the names of the Seal Beach residents on the “William T. Ayres” plaques. These neighbors are the fastest runners of each year. This resident award is named in honor of long time resident and former race director.
So, as we close the books on our 38th annual race, we can only look back to the very first race in 1974 and wonder if the 15 competitors in that race even thought that there would one day be 37 more races to follow let alone 6000 competitors following in their inaugural footsteps. We now get to unwind, but will soon be back in the planning process for the 39th race this fall.
Until next April 13, 2013, we say thank you, thank you and Run Seal Beach, run!
The Sun Newspapers accepts guest column and letters to the editor submissions by e-mail at dennis@sunnews.org.