Bay Theatre on council agenda

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The iconic Bay Theatre will come before the Seal Beach City Council on Sept. 12, when the city’s representatives will consider granting historical status to the old movie house, according to District One Councilwoman Ellery Deaton.

In related news, the escrow on the purchase of the Bay Theatre is expected to close in December. Paul Dunlap of the Dunlap Group, said he had asked for an extension of the escrow about a month and a half ago.

According to Dunlap, the extension request was just a business decision. He said it was in his best interests to do the prelminary planning on the development project while it was in escrow.

Dunlap said there were no snags with the city government that he knew of.

In May, Dunlap told the City Council that his goal was to restore the Bay Theatre as closely as possible to its original form.

The Bay Theatre closed, “temporarily,” in August 2012. He said he would like to sell beer and wine there.