Seal Beach Chamber looks forward to 2011

2011 marks an exciting new year for the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce.

This is the year that we plan on taking the Chamber to the next level.

We want to have the Chamber, our city, city staff and the residents working more closely together.

We are looking for ways for local businesses to thrive during these tough economic times.  We have had some long time businesses close and some new businesses appear.

We are looking at ways to make our already successful events more effective for both residents and our local merchants. For example, we’re looking at arranging a shuttling service for the car show, making registration go faster and smoother, and enlisting our residents in our local events.

Many people do not know that the Seal Beach Chamber of Commerce is an all-volunteer chamber except for a single paid employee—our director of operations.

By involving the residents we can get input on types of events the community wants and allow the residents to get involved in order to make them happen. If you would like to volunteer please contact us.

The Chamber advocates for community businesses. It recently came to our attention that the senior shopping shuttle which the city of Seal Beach pays for, was taking people out of town to shop in nearby cities. While there is nothing wrong with shopping in other cities it’s an entirely different story when we’re paying for it and not getting the sales and sales tax revenue associated with it.

This is completely unacceptable to the chamber and should be for all of our community. We brought this to the attention of city staff and the council.  I received a call the next morning assuring me this would not happen again.  We have plenty of shopping right here in our backyard.

Our new chamber community business directory is in the proofing process and will arrive to the printer shortly.  Be sure to stop by the Chamber office, Chamber members or the City Clerk’s office to pick up your copy.

To further enhance our communication to our members and the community, the chamber is introducing a new electronic newsletter called the “Seal Beach Squeal”. If you’re a chamber member and would like to provide content, or a community member who wishes to receive it, please contact our Director of Operations, Gina, at the chamber office at (562)-799-0179.

The Chamber is having our annual strategic planning retreat on Saturday, Jan. 22. In order to save money, and utilize a cty location, we are taking advantage of our beautiful new fire station’s community room. The room is available for us to use year-round at no charge. There is an annual cleaning fee which is more than reasonable.  Once again, when we all work together, the strength of our partnership is much stronger than any one of the parts.

Look forward to seeing you soon around town!