Crime Log: Seal Beach Police arrest purse theft suspect

William Eisenberg

Seal Beach Police arrested a man for stealing a purse from someone in Leisure World on Saturday, Oct. 20.

He pleaded not guilty to multiple felony charges on Tuesday, Oct. 23.

At 11:30 am, Saturday, Oct. 20, the police dispatch center received a report that a purse had been stolen near a Leisure World clubhouse. The suspect was last seen riding a bike from the North Gate exit of Leisure World.

Within minutes, responding Seal Beach Police officers found the suspect riding his bicycle near the intersection of Seal Beach Boulevard and Lampson Avenue. The man was detained and subsequently identified as the suspect in the theft.

The suspect, later identified as William Eisenberg, 49, was arrested for robbery and burglary charges with an enhancement for committing these crimes against the elderly.

On Tuesday, Oct. 23, Eisenberg was arraigned in cusstody, meaning the charges against him were read. He pleaded not guilty to seven counts of second degree burglary and one count of felony possession of a controlled substance as well as six enhancement charges of theft from elderly adults, according to the Orange County Superior Court website.

He is currently in custody in the Orange County jail.

A preliminary hearing in the case has been scheduled for Nov. 5.

According to Sgt. Steve Bowles, the Seal Beach investigators believe that Eisenberg committed numerous thefts from senior centers and other gathering places specifically targeting the elderly across Orange County and Los Angeles County. Eisenberg is also suspected of using stolen credit cards.

The SBPD is asking that anyone with information contact Detective Gary Krogman at (562) 799-4100, extension 1108.

Crime Log Compiled by Charles M. Kelly


Monday, October 8

Extra Patrol Checks Requested—7:50 p.m.—Ocean Avenue—The caller requested extra patrol checks throughout the night. The caller’s home was burglarized a couple of days earlier. The caller had not filed a report yet but intended to file a report on Tuesday, Oct. 9.

Tuesday, October 9

Grand Theft Report—11:14 a.m.—Ocean Avenue—The crime apparently occurred sometime on Thursday, Oct. 4. Loss: golf clubs and a mountain bike. Report taken.

Wednesday, October 10

Suspicious Circumstances—5:22 a.m.—Bolsa and Pacific Coast Highway—The caller thought she heard vandalism in progress. She didn’t see anything suspicious, but she heard the sound of a spray can being used. Police unit 207 found contractors painting a building.

Welfare Check—1:41 p.m.—Ironwood Avenue—The caller heard a child yelling, “No!” The caller thought the child was 3 years old. The caller was concerned for the child’s welfare. Police unit 106 found a child receiving a swimming lesson.

Thursday, October 11

Welfare Check—5:37 p.m.—Pacific Coast Highway and 1st Street—The caller saw a 5- or 6-year-old-girl standing by herself on Pacific Coast Highway. Police unit 141 found the girl with her mother and brother.

Friday, October 12

911 Hang-Up—5:04 p.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—A dispatcher called back and spoke with a child who said the dog accidentally dialed 911. The dispatcher spoke with an adult who confirmed the child’s account.

Saturday, October 13

Grand Theft Report—3:27 p.m.—6th Street—A citizen reported the theft of his white Super Pro mountain bike, valued at $1,000. The citizen said the bike was taken from his garage the previous week. Report taken.

Sunday, October 14

Welfare Check—5:28 a.m.—Seal Beach Boulevard—The caller said a 3-year-old boy was left by himself in a vehicle with the engine running. The caller said the child did not appear to be in distress. Police unit 106 cited the driver for California Vehicle Code 15620 A—leaving a child unattended in a car with the engine running or under circumstances that could endanger the child’s help. The infraction is punishable by a $100 fine.


Friday, October 12

Petty Theft Report—11:38 p.m.—Green Street—The caller reported that some time in the 15-20 minutes prior to the call, an unknown individual came into her house while she was vacuuming and took her wallet from her purse. The caller had left her door open. There were also two TV remote controls in the house, which the caller did not recognize. The wallet was located and the matter solved.

Sunday, October 14

Drug Report—8:12 p.m.—Howard Avenue—The caller said that he lives in a triplex and that a group of residents were smoking marijuana and an offending odor was coming into the caller’s apartment. The caller said it was an ongoing issue. Patrol contacted the subjects, who had a medical marijuana license, so no crime was occurring.

Monday, October 15

Counseling—4:16 p.m.—Howard Avenue—The caller reported that construction workers had left items in the way of the caller’s vehicle as she was pulling into the driveway and she hit those items, causing damage to her car. The caller said she could not see the items due to the sun and was not notified that they would be leaving items behind. The caller said the landlord failed to notify tenants that work would be occurring in the underground parking garage and that the workers did not provide adequate signs. The caller was counseled.

Tuesday, October 16

Suspicious Circumstances—5:30 a.m.—3600 block of La Colmena Way—The caller reported a suspicious man in his back yard. He had a blanket wrapped around him and jumping up and down. The man was standing near the back door, looking in, but was not trying to get in the house. The man appeared under the influence. Patrol contacted the man, who had been out drinking at several Los Alamitos bars. He became disoriented while trying to find his way back to Cypress and ended up in the caller’s back yard.


Monday, October 15

Suspicious Person in Vehicle—3:25 p.m.—Blume Drive—The caller said a car occupied by a man kept driving through the neighborhood, possibly casing the area.

Tuesday, October 16

Suspicious Person or Circumstances—10:07 p.m.—Harrisburg Road—The caller said a neighbor’s dog had been barking for over two hours and he never heard the dog do that in 13 years. The caller thought something might be wrong. A deputy found nothing suspicious at the front of the residence. The deputy could not get into the back yard because of the dog, who was still barking. No one answered the door.

Wednesday, October 17

Suspicious Person in Vehicle—10:10 a.m.—Woodstock Road—The caller saw a dark haired male, possibly high school age, sitting in a vehicle and smoking marijuana.

Assault Report—3:53 p.m.—Foster Road—The caller reported in the mid-afternoon a possible assault that might have taken place sometime in the morning hours in the parking lot of Richard Henry Lee Elementary.

Suspicious Person or Circumstances—5:36 p.m.—Hedwig Road and Pemberton Road—The caller said a man and a woman were in the large stall of the woman’s restroom. The caller didn’t know what they were doing.

Suspicious Person or Circumstances—10:08 p.m.—St. Albans Drive—The caller said a man was walking around with a flashlight in the back  yard of the residence behind the caller’s home.

Thursday, October 18

Suspicious Person or Circumstances—10:06 a.m.—Quail Run Road—A resident received a call from his housekeeper, who said someone was knocking on the door. The housekeeper thought it was a salesperson, but did not answer.

Friday, October 19

Burglary Report—11:31 a.m.—Montecito Road—The log indicated the crime occurred in a carport, possibly within the previous 90 minutes.

Burglary Report—7:18 p.m.—Montecito Road.

Saturday, October 20

Burglary Report—5:54 a.m.—Inverness Drive.

Burglary Report—7:04 p.m.—Oak Knoll Drive.

Ted Apodaca of the News-Enterprise contributed to this article.