The 72nd Annual Huntington Beach Pier Swim, one of the longest running events in the city, was held last Saturday, attracting more than 200 competitors from ages 12 to 75. “We had a huge turnout of swimmers and spectators, who look forward to this yearly tradition,” said Eric Barraza, a youth sports specialist for the city. “We get a lot of repeaters, who love swimming around the pier and proudly display car stickers that say, ‘I Swam Around the Pier.’”
Among the fastest swimmers were Aidan Arie 16 of Costa Mesa who completed the race in 7:35 minutes, Ryan Bullock 38 of Redondo Beach – 7:43, Lucas Jue 15 of Long Beach – 7:49, Brandon Saminego 21 of Lakewood – 8:00, Avrum Xaorarakic 15 of Costa Mesa – 8:08, Hayden Hemmens – 8:24, Holden Lee 15 of Fountain Valley – 8:36 and Peter Vu 14 of Fountain Valley 8:41.
Other winners included Steve West 51 of Huntington Beach – 8:00, Robert Margalis 41 – 8:09, Gwen Asbury 15 – 8:47, Izzy Castro 14 – 9:10, Maya Cravens 15 – 9:20, Grady Wright 14 of Huntington Beach – 9:25, Grace Asbury 13 – 9:28, Matthew Glennon 15 of Temecula – 9:30, Sydney Shaffer 12 of Huntington Beach – 9:36, Emma Samaddar 13 – 9:37, Luke McIntosh of Huntington Beach – 10:24, Murray Ellis 12 of Murrieta – 10:30, Fox Wise 12 – 10:40, Maverick Bozinovski 15 of Huntington Beach – 10:54, Amelia Arkuszewska of Temecula 14 – 11:29, Jessica Vicioso 15 – 12:16, Kobi Siegel 12 – 12:16, Kennedy Jones 13 of Huntington Beach – 14:30, Aryanne Mistry 12 of Long Beach – 15:02 and Summer Marlowe 12 of Huntington Beach – 15:18.
Joe Miceli, the Men’s Ministry Leader at the local Refuge Calvary Chapel, was watching the race that he completed 8 years ago, when he was 58. “It’s a blast swimming the pier,” said the avid swimmer. “I look forward to participating in it again.”
Huntington Beach City Historian Jerry Person said: “Swimming around the pier is just one part of training to be a lifeguard in HB to protect locals and visitors. The famous Duke Kahanamoku paddle boarded around the pier in the early 1920’s and paddle board races around the pier were done in surf contests in the 1960s.”
Learn more about future Pier Swims by contacting Barraza at Huntington Beach Edison Community Center, 714-960-8870. His email is: eric.barraza@surfcity-hb.org.