The 27th annual Seal Beach Kids Fishing Derby will be held from 7:30 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Aug. 18, at the Seal Beach Pier.
Registration will take place at the pier from 7 to 9 a.m.. The lions will provide a free pancake breakfast to all derby registrants.
This free event is open to all youth 15 years old or younger. Participants may bring their own rod. However, loaners and free bait will also be available.
This is a catch and release derby.
Qualifying fish will be weighed once they are reeled in. Various trophies and prizes will be awarded for the largest fish caught.
Bring your family and have some hands-on fun at the 27th Annual Seal Beach Fishing Derby sponsored by the Rotary club of Los Alamitos/Seal Beach.
Other co-sponsors include the Seal Beach Lions and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.