The Seal Beach Lions Arts & Crafts Faire will be held 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 9, and 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 10.
How many years has this event been happening? It started 40 years ago as a sidewalk sale and grew into the largest art event in the local area.
When did the Lions get involved? The Lions and Leos have been a vendor providing food and event support for 20 years. In 2015, the event was transferred to the Seal Beach Lions Foundation who has extensive event management experience. The Lions have already grown the show with the addition of musical entertainment starting in 2016.
How do I become a vendor? Registration for the 2018 show will begin in January. Please provide us with your name and email address, and we will add you to the notification email for next year’s show.
What experience does the Lions Club have regarding the Art Faire and events? Besides being a vendor at the Faire for 20 years, the Lions produce some of the largest events in the city. This year Sun readers named the Lion Fish Fry, Christmas Parade and the Arts & Crafts Faire the “BEST OF Gold” events in Seal Beach. Additionally, the club is fortunate to have a large number of members with arts and crafts experience.
Who is responsible for the Faire? Lion Seth Eaker is the chairman with support from Co-Chair Scott Newton, and other dedicated team leads for everything ranging from food, security, entertainment and sound, artisan’s support and even the information booth.
What are the event times? Artists will be fully open on Saturday, Sept. 9, from 9 a.m.–6 p.m., and again on Sunday, Sept. 10 from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Artisans who leave early on either day may not be invited back. All artisans must not pull vehicles onto walkways, driveways or park areas. Loading and unloading take place on Ocean Avenue.
Where are the restrooms? Underneath the pier are public restrooms which are open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and artisans will have restrooms located in the center of each park for their use.
What food is available? The Lions with their Leo clubs have a variety of options for lunch and breakfast available for the artisans and the public. For the first time, we are adding salads and other main meal choices to our usual hot dogs and bratwurst offerings. Menus are available at the information booth.
What other organizations are represented? The Lions have continued with the tradition of having the Seal Beach Women’s Club annual plant sale and the Seal Beach Animal Care Center bake sale will also be present.
Is there entertainment? The Los Alamitos Unified School District along with a coalition of home schooled students will be performing through the weekend at the stage at the foot of the pier. That schedule is also available in the Sun newspaper guide and at the information booth.
Where is lost and found? Please check with the Information booth, and if not there, please go to the Public Safety building next to the foot of the pier on the West side.
Where can I find out more about the Seal Beach Lions or Leos? Please visit our website at or talk to one of our volunteers at the information booth.