13 arrested or cited  at Seal Beach Police Department DUI checkpoint

Two DUI suspects arrested at March 7 checkpoint

File photo

Two subjects were arrested, and eleven citations were issued at a DUI checkpoint on  Friday, March 7, 2025. The DUI checkpoint was held at northbound Seal Beach Blvd, south of the  intersection with Adolfo Lopez, from 7:30 p.m. to 12  a.m.

The Seal Beach Police Department organized the  DUI checkpoint with assistance from Laguna Beach PD, Garden Grove PD, the  California Highway Patrol, the West County CERT (Community Emergency Response Team), and the  Seal Beach PD  Volunteers in Police Services personnel. (During the March 10 City Council meeting, SBPD Chief Michael Henderson thanked the California Highway Patrol, the Laguna Beach and Garden Grove police departments for sending officers to assist.  

“It was a very successful checkpoint,” he said.

Two individuals were arrested for  DUI, 11 drivers were cited for  various vehicle code violations, three vehicles were towed, and three field sobriety tests were performed. Twenty-two vehicles were contacted, and 958 vehicles passed through the  checkpoint.

DUI checkpoint locations are  determined based on  reported incidents of impaired driving-related crashes. The primary purpose of DUI checkpoints is to promote public safety by  taking suspected impaired drivers off  roads. Funding for  this  checkpoint was provided by a grant from the  California Office of Traffic Safety, through the  National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.